Angry Birds: The Art of the Angry Birds Movie
Jim Sorensen (w) • Various (a & c)
Angry Birds: The Art of The Angry Birds Movie takes you on a whirlwind tour of one of the most anticipated movies of 2016. With a vivid palette and larger-than-life characters, you’ll see Red, Chuck, Bomb, Matilda, King Mudbeard, Terrance, Mighty Eagle, and the rest of the Angry Birds cast like never before. From the lush and vibrant Bird Village to the top of Eagle Mountain to the insanely industrial Piggy Island, this volume brings a host of witty and whimsical worlds to life. Peek behind the scenes to learn how the creators turned simple video-game sprites into fully-realized CGI movie stars. You won’t want to miss out on Angry Birds: The Art of The Angry Birds Movie!
HC • FC • $39.99 • 160 pages • 8” x 12” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-604-1
Bullet points:
- Movie releases May 20, 2016!