Captain Canuck Turns 45



It’s that time of year again, where we get to say Happy Birthday to the big guy and we’ve got a few ways for you to let him know. It’s also time to celebrate American Daredevil as it hits store shelves!

Our pals at BEDROCK STUDIOS have upped the ante for Canucks birthday and are releasing a 45th Anniversary Edition variant of their maquette stamped with Canuck Creator Richard Comely’s signature and a snazzy 25 year-old doodle that really does justice to his killer eyebrows! It’s limited to 45 numbered copies and available through their site. Check out this first look video on Gina B’s Collecting Channel for a closer look.

JAKEMAN’S X CAPTAIN CANUCK Canada Grade A Amber Pure Maple Syrup is now available in exquisite 250 ml Maple Leaf style bottles so you can get even more of the good stuff in you!

INVASION ISSUE TWO releases August 1st exclusively through our print shop complete with story courtesy of Jay Baruchel and Van Jensen, art by Patrick Macchi, colours by Diego Albuquerque and a stellar cover by John Gallagher.

CAPTAIN CANUCK YEAR ONE- ISSUES ONE + TWO will unlock through the print shop on August 15. Join Jay Baruchel and Kalman Andrasofvsky as they lay down the early goings of Canucks career. Issue 1 features art by Marcus To and cover by David Finch- Issue 2 features art by Crees Hyunsung Lee and a knockout of a cover by Cary Nord.


Until now, Brett Dakin’s biography of Lev Gleason, AMERICAN DAREDEVIL, has been available through our website only. Beginning August 5, it will be on sale in your local comic shop, and beginning August 18, it will be available in bookstores and online globally. Check out these great reviews in The Comics Journal and The Fanboy Factor, pre-order online now, and support your local comic shop by requesting a copy today!