Norman Reedus Delivers Update on The Walking Dead Onslaught


Norman Reedus Delivers Update on The Walking Dead Onslaught, Official Gameplay Reveal Coming Soon

Official VR Game of “AMC’s The Walking Dead” Enters Final Stages of Development 

Culver City, Calif  June 16, 2020  Survios Inc. and AMC revealed today during the UploadVR Showcase that The Walking Dead Onslaught, the official VR game of AMC’s The Walking Dead, has entered the final stages of development and confirmed that a gameplay reveal will be coming later this summer.

Accompanying the announcement was a video greeting from The Walking Dead star Norman Reedus, who recently wrapped his voice recording as Daryl Dixon for the upcoming title. The game will also feature voice work from cast members Melissa McBride (Carol) and Josh McDermitt (Eugene).

 The Walking Dead Onslaught is scheduled to launch later this year on Playstation VRSteam VR, and Oculus Rift. For the latest information, follow Survios on Twitter and Facebook.