Do Not Read This Book of Evil


Being a writer is hard work as you are subject to writer’s block, rewrites and of course deadlines. If you ever experienced a deadline looming over your head you know it is something that you never want to experience. However, what if something happened to you that kickstarted your creative juices? Would you use this opportunity to write something sinister or would you stop and try to figure out what was going on? This is the setting of the latest release from Wild Eye Releasing called The Book of Evil

Book of Evil focuses on an accomplished horror writer by the name of Stan Harris. He has been procrastinating on his latest project and has been given a call from his publisher. This publisher makes it known in no short order that they have until midnight to complete this project. As Stan sits in front of his typewriter a series of paranormal events begin to unfold around him as ideas for stories start to flow telling a bunch of tales. Book of Evil is an anthology that has a variety of stories using Stan Harris as a backdrop and without giving anything away, there are some great stories here. 

There are also some special features that are on this disc as well. There are the usual trailers that promote some of the current and upcoming releases coming out from Wild Eye. There is also a commentary on the movie telling how this movie was created. There is also an introduction by the director of the film as well as he tells the audience about this film. If you love anthology movies then you need to give Book of Evil a look. For more information on this and other releases head over to and get ready to read what’s in the book.