E3 2018 Recap: For Ubisoft the Hits Keep Coming


With such great hits under their belt we are wondering what Ubisoft is going to have in store for us at this year’s E3. Wonder no more my friends as that time is at hand! The show kicked off with a big dance production in order to announce Just Dance 2019. And it will be coming out this October! After that we got an extended look at Beyond Good and Evil 2 and the game looks simply amazing! I haven’t played the previous incarnation of this game and I am excited as it looks as if you can fly around in vehicles as well as walk around on land and on massive ships.

Next we got an announcement about Rainbow Six Siege and how it has hit over 35 million players. They also briefly talked about how they are going to bring this to e-sports and it might make for some great gameplay videos. The next game that was announced was Trials Rising and this game would make anyone want to throw a controller as you have to navigate your bike through various obstacles to get to the end. Believe me I have played Trials Extreme and I have broken at least one controller because of it.

After that the hits keep on coming with The Division 2. Set in Washington D.C. it shows how the city has shut down because of an outbreak and how agents of the division are brought in to restore law and order. You will encounter some of the most dangerous people in this city that will put your gear and skills to the test. There are also new skills and equipment for the agents this time around. However, be warned as your enemies have tricks that will keep you on your toes. The Division 2 also announced that there are three episodes that will be free with the game and Raids are also coming to this game as well!

Next was a brief trailer for an add-on to the Mario + Rabbids as Donkey Kong Country joins in the fray! And right after that Ubisoft did not let up as they showed off their newest trailer for their latest game Skull and Bones. Set in the age of piracy this game will feature beautiful ship to ship combat where you can plunder merchants that sail the high seas. However, be careful as the royal navy does not like pirates and will shoot them on sight! Next up is Transference and this VR experience will chill you to the core. Starlink is also announced as this game will not only have ships you can get if you own a switch you can get a Fox McCloud figure and a Ar-Wing to pilot!

For Honor was also talked about as you will now be able to play the game for free! This is amazing as the game looks wonderful and I had always wanted to try it but did not have the funds to do so. After that they showed a small trailer for the Crew 2 which is now in open beta so if you wanted to race on the streets, across the skies or along the waves you need to check this game out. The biggest game came next as it is the next Assassin’s Creed and it is called Assassin’s Creed Odyssey! This takes place in ancient Greece and you will take on the role of a mercenary as you take on a quest to save your friends and family from a great war that is sprawling over the land.

And that is it for the Ubisoft E3 conference! If you missed it you can go ahead and watch it here and for more on E3 as it develops keep it locked to Comix Asylum for all that E3 goodness. What games are you excited for this year’s E3? Let us know! We love to hear from you!