Free PS Plus Games In March


The games that are available for the PS Plus in the month of March have been revealed by Sony. There are a selection of games to grab, but the most noticeable one is obviously Bloodborne – a grueling RPG game that runs parallel with Dark Souls or Demon Souls in terms of pain staking gameplay.

Beginning March 6th, all PS Plus members will be allowed to download the RPG madness that is Bloodborne at no cost. However that isn’t the only fun game coming to the PS4, as Ratchet & Clank is also being made available to play.

Here’s a full list of games that you can grab this March:


  • Mighty No. 9 (Cross-buy with PS4)
  • Legend of Kay


      • Bloodborne
      • Ratchet & Clank
      • Mighty No. 9 (Cross-buy with PS3)
      • Claire: Extended Cut (Cross-buy with PS Vita)
      • Bombing Busters (Cross-buy with PS Vita)

    PS Vita

    • Claire: Extended Cut (Cross-buy with PS4)
    • Bombing Busters (Cross-buy with PS4)

    A lovely list of games at our disposal to grab, and one you should take advantage of now. As Sony has just confirmed that as of March 8, 2019, it won’t be giving away PS3 and PS Vita games with the Plus program – instead just concentrating on PS4 titles. That said, grab as many games as you can for the older systems if you ever wanted to play them, or just enjoy booting them up for nostalgia and need something new to play.