Royden Lepp’s Rust Concludes in February 2018 from BOOM! Studios


BOOM! Studios is At the center of, the final chapter to his critically acclaimed graphic novel series about a mysterious boy who suddenly appears on a farm struggling to survive after a long apocalyptic war and changes the fate of the family who runs it. Debuting in February 2018, this original graphic novel marks the first time the publisher has released both hardcover and softcover editions simultaneously in comic shops and bookstores.RUST VOL. 4: SOUL IN THE MACHINE proud to announce Royden Lepp’s theRust“As I was drawing and writing the final pages of this last book I realized that not only is it likely my greatest creative achievement thus far, but probably the one that will be the most personal to me,” says Lepp, also known for his successful career as an Art Director in the video game industry. “For some reason, this book happened in a time in my life when I dealt with the repercussions of loss. Each time I sat down to write one of Roman’s letters to his missing Dad, I

is a deeply personal story that echoes Lepp’s own history—in particular, the eldest son, Roman, who grapples with the loss of his father, who went missing during the war.RustDeveloped over the last seven years,

is about loss, loyalty, love, and courage,” says Lepp. “This final volume takes place entirely in the course of one final night on the farm as each member of the family must fight for their lives and choose what they truly believe.”Rust

saga is Jet Jones, a boy with a jetpack who crashes into the Taylor family farm. As Jet deals with his uncertain future, members of the Taylor family each view his arrival—and subsequent stay—in different ways. wasreally of course writing a letter to my own Dad who died a few months before volume one was released. This story is unique to a time in my life in a way that no other story will be.”

The previous volumes of this acclaimed graphic novel series—Rust Vol 1: Visitor in the FieldRust Vol. 2: Secrets of the Cell, and Rust Vol. 3: Death of the Rocket Boy—are all available in hardcover, softcover, and digital format. An additional release, the Rust Vol. 0: The Boy Soldier softcover, collects the prologues of all four hardcover volumes.


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