Customizable PS4 Controller


Customizable PS4 Controller

Sony looks to be working on a new and improved DualShock 4 Controller, much to the happiness or disappointment of Sony gamers everywhere. 

The company has filed for a patent in regards to an alternative PS4 pad. A pad that features a host of new abilities, and will allow for a customisable button layout – much like the Xbox One Elite Controller. 

PS4-DualShock-4-Elite-Controller-PS4-Elite-DualShock-4-patent-New-PS4-DualShock-4-controller-570932According to the rumours, Sony owners will be able to switch the button settings at will, allowing a staggering ammount of customization not ever seen in a PS controller. To make things even more interesting, additional paddles on the handles of the gamepad are being considered in the current design. 

In conclusion – it looks like Sony is tired of the current controller layout being slandered by the gaming community and is stepping the competition up once more. 

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