Bloodshot Reborn #1: Valiant’s 25th Anniversary Convention Tour

This weekend, the Valiant 25th Anniversary Convention Tour is headed north to brings Valiant’s award-winning heroes to Calgary Expo 2015!
From Thursday, April 16th through Sunday, April 19th, visit Valiant Entertainment at Stampede Parkin Calgary, Alberta, Canada for a weekend filled with Valiant panels, creator signings, convention-only exclusives, and more!
Stop by Booth #908-909 all weekend long to discover the best that the largest independent superhero universe in comics has to offer by shopping a complete selection of Valiant trade paperback and hardcover collections! Plus: don’t miss New York Times best-selling writer and Valiant superstar Robert Venditti (BOOK OF DEATH, X-O MANOWAR, ARMOR HUNTERS) signing all weekend long at the Valiant booth!
Also debuting this weekend at Calgary Expo, look for the  BLOODSHOT REBORN #1 Calgary Expo/Redd Skull Comics Exclusive Variant – featuring an all-new cover from red-hot artist Raul Allen (RAI, Hawkeye)! This hotly anticipated ongoing series from all-star creators Jeff Lemire (THE VALIANT, Descender) and Mico Suayan (HARBINGER, Moon Knight) kicks off a gripping new odyssey of darkness and destruction for Valiant’s most formidable fighting machine… Pick up your copy of this limited Calgary Expo exclusive at Redd Skull Comics (Booth #1119) or the Calgary Expo store (Booth #1800)!
Then, on Sunday, April 19th at 3:15pm in Palomino FG, join a panel of Valiant staff and creators forVALIANT 101: The Story Starts Here – a step-by-step panel presentation detailing the origins of X-O Manowar, Bloodshot, Ninjak, Doctor Mirage, and more of Valiant’s top heroes and villains! Stop byVALIANT 101 for the ultimate introduction to Valiant’s acclaimed universe of characters!
We’ll see you this weekend at Calgary Expo! And look for new dates to be added to the Valiant 25th Anniversary Convention Tour all summer long!


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