Super Mario Comes to Minecraft


Super Mario Comes to Minecraft

Minecraft is one of those games that continues to go strong even years after its intial release, and it seems that Nintendo wants to join in on the fun.

Thus incoming delivery of a Mario Minecraft Mashup.

3059977-minecraft_wiiu_mashuppack_mario_shot1_png_jpgcopyThe DLC for the Wii U version of Minecraft will feature a variety of Mushroom Kingdom goodness for gamers to enjoy and play around with. Wherein which you will gain up to 40 different character skins, and become capable of tweaking the Minecraft world to resemble all your favourite Mario world stars. You can even add in some classic Mario tunes as you leisurely stroll through your boxed version of the Mushroom Kingdom.

Skins, however, are not the only thing to look forward to in the newest DLC.

The whole Minecraft world itself will be changed to suit Mario fans, and have you feeling nothing but nostalgia as you see elements of all the Mario games pooled into one world.

Minecraft_WiiU_MashupPack_Mario_Shot6The offered prebuilt world was created by developers Mojang and 4J using the various tools that have now become available to you with the DLC. As you explore their world, you can’t help but remember various Mario games and their tales. Whether that be from Super Mario 64, to Super Mario Sunshine, the Minecraft universe now makes you feel as if you’re walking through Mario history.

Even the Nether world featured previously in Minecraft has changed. The dark and gloomy place now resembling Bowser’s domain.

Minecraft_WiiU_MashupPack_Mario_Shot9The attention to detail is rather suprising, and often you’ll find yourself feeling like it is set up like its 2D platforming contemporaries. You can even jump through paintings, much like the Super Mario 64 game, to reach new sections. Even the sun in the sky resembles the angry sun from Super Mario Bros 3.

It’s like fan service for all of us Mario lovers.

This new content was released for the Wii U version of the game, as a free update, on May 17th. A retail version of it will be following as of June 17th. That said, no other Minecraft versions will be getting the Mario expansion pack, at least for now.

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