Grumpy Cat & Pokey #4

GrumpyCat2016-04-Cov-C-HaeserGrumpy Cat & Pokey #4
writers: Ben McCool, Ben Fisher, Royal McGraw
artist: Steve Uy, Ken Haeser, Michelle Nguyen
covers: Michelle Nguyen (a), Billy Martin (b),
Ken Haeser (c)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • All Ages 
When Pokey suggests a game of hide-and-seek in the woods, Grumpy Cat declines; anything involving effort is totally out of the question! But Pokey raises the stakes, offering his sullen sister a hearty stash of treats if she’s able to find him. In no time at all, though… Grumpy Cat gets lost! Will a traveling sideshow bring joy to the curmudgeonly kitty? Also, inspired by the mirthless beast from holiday tradition, Grumpy recounts the age-old legend of the fearsome feline known as “Grumpus”!!!


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