Hacked Gameboy: Gameboy Zero


Game Boy Hacked To Run All of Your Favourites
Author: S.A.

There was once a time where all of us young gamers sat in shock and awe at the technology in the palm of our hands. The power of the hand held device was strong at the beginning of the 90’s, and nostalgia is a powerful drug for gamers. A strong enough drug that people would do anything to relieve those golden age moments.

uvmzjadikgjriolhye96That said, meet the Gameboy Zero.

A classic Gameboy shell with a Raspberry Pi’s heart imbedded in the top left corner. Though the raspberry isn’t purely cosmetic event.

Using the power of the Emulation Station, a system through which you can emulate a variety of old school games, the Pi is capable of playing games from NES, SNES, Gameboy, Nintendo, and Gameboy Advanced. The hardest part of the adaption was the need for more buttons on the Gameboy, for some of the later system emulations. The custom Gameboy lost two screws on the back in lieu of shoulder triggers. While additional holes are drilled on top of the X and Y buttons to give us extra buttons, filled in with salvaged parts from the SNES controller.

The niftiest part of the adaption lays in the custom made cartridge. With some cool soldering skills, the maker functioned an old square Nintendo cartridge and functioned an SD to Micro SD adaptor which allowed the Pi board to read it. The system also functions with a lithium rechargeable battery, and a much better screen. The icing on the cake is a mini HDMI output on the side of the Gameboy, in case you wish to view the game on another screen.


Technology is so handy.

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