Uncharted 4 Pre – Order Bonus, Utter Disappointment


Uncharted 4 Pre-Order Bonus, Utter Disappointment.
Author: S.A.

With game leaks being common place in the video game industry, often due to company blunders or attempts to hype up future games, it’s hard to tell when a company has accidentally let material ‘leak’ to the public. That said, the game leak brought to us by Playstation recently was nothing if not disappointing.

As you can see from the above trailer, the game leak covered the pre-order bonus for their upcoming title Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, and gaming fan’s everywhere seemed completely unimpressed by the content shown.

PlayStation’s Nordic Youtube Channel for Sony Entertainment recently released two trailers for the upcoming game, but quickly pulled the offending videos. However they were to slow in doing so, as people had grabbed the video footage for themselves rather quickly.

The video footage shows a mix of single player gameplay footage, as well as mulitplayer. While both trailers show the generic skin coverings made for the pre-order bonuses. Unfortunately none of these add on’s are anything worth spending your money on. The extra’s brought to you by the additional cost only bring you desert skin’s, and a few outfits for Drake and the group.Uncharted-4-PS4-Pre-Order-437211

Not worth the cash.

So while I’m all for grabbing the Uncharted 4 game, and I feel you would be a fool not to, I don’t think you need to buy the pre-order bonus for the game. Use the saved cash for a bowl of popcorn, after all the game is sure to be quite the cinematic experience.

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