Nintendo World’s New Look Is It Enough?
Author: S.A.
Nintendo World opened it’s doors in May of 2005, show casing the power and history that was Nintendo. If you were a fan of all things Nintendo, than the store in New York was your holy grail. It highlighted the history and dynamic nature of the company to a large degree, and often reminded gamers why the company was once at the top of the charts.
However Nintendo isn’t at the top of the charts anymore.
It’s dying.
So while the store remains a tourist destination for many upon reaching New York, it doesn’t seem to stand for success as far as this gaming enthusiast is concern. In fact, it feels more like a museum of the past.
Nintendo must agree on some level with this assessment for they have refurbished the old store and given a brand new look. With that design comes a new name as well: Nintendo NY.The company doesn’t want this place to be seen as a museum of success in the pass, but rather as something that stands for their brand itself. The store IS Nintendo.
Many aesthetic changes have been made to the store, allowing for those of you have already visited the wonderful shop to feel as if it’s a brand new store. Many of the exhibits even prove to be easily moveable, likely done so Nintendo NY can hold events such as the Pokken Tournament in their walls with relative ease. However, that just it – the changes feel aesthetic.
What is Nintendo doing to help sell their product?
Are they hoping this new look will change the fact that they aren’t a huge hitter in the console wars?
Something new and exciting needs to be done in terms of the Nintendo brand and I don’t feel like changing the store is the answer. While admittedly it can help, in so far as to draw an intermediate amount of attention to their company again. However in the long term the effect is lost I find, and I hope that Nintendo figured out how to change their current business model. I am a Nintendo fan after all, and from the era of Mario lovers.
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