Nintendo Might Be Diving Into VR


Nintendo Might Be Diving Into VR
Author: S.A.

There’s nothing that can change a companies mind more than a bad fiscal report, and Nintendo has been suffering more and more. That said, its easy to see how the company might be deciding to delve into a previously dismissed realm on their part. That being the new and upcoming hot topic, virtual reality.

Last year during E3, Nintendo representatives stated that the current direction of VR was hardly riveting in nature. Going on to state this: “We have knowledge of the technical space, and we’ve been experimenting with this for a long, long time. What we believe is that, in order for this technology to move forward, you need to make it fun and you need to make it social…I haven’t walked the floor, so I can’t say in terms of what’s on the floor today, but at least based on what I’ve seen to date, it’s not fun, and it’s not social. It’s just tech.” Which I feel is a very accurate assessment of the current VR technology on the market.

However since that last little comment about the VR realm, Nintendo has had nothing else to do with the VR community and its growth. Yet they’ve had to revisit the drawing board due to the reason that moves us all, our bank account number. Revenues for the once glorious giant are down, not only with the 3DS but the Wii U, and the company is just not pulling their weight the way they once were. Thus they must be looking for ways to expand their portfolio.

In comes VR technology.

They come a bit late to the party though, with Sony and Microsoft already having rather ambitions goals and the Oculus rift already out on the market. It’s also hard to imagine how, after Nintendo’s rather harsh but truthful assessment, they wish to step onto the scene and make the current technology fun.

With VR technology not even truly tested yet, it’s easy to understand Nintendo’s shy nature on stepping out onto the scene. If they want to survive in this ever evolving gaming environment, they might not have a choice however. First let Nintedo get their new tech the NX on the ground, and than hopefully they will join the new fray into the unknown.

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