Louis Vuitton Teams Up With Square Enix


Louis Vuitton Teams Up With Square Enix
Author: S.A.

Foolishly enough I had thought the one place people were safe from advertisements was video games. That isn’t to say you don’t see product placement from time to time within a game, but generally our favourite game characters aren’t forced into the advertising trend. They get to exist as the heroes they are, away from social strife and dirty selling techniques.

Well that’s no longer the case.

It started with a simple advertising trailer, but now has turned into a full scale phenomenon.

That’s right folks, one of our toughest heroines to date from Final Fantasy XIII has taken to wearing Louis Vuitton. With that in mind, Lightning has somehow become plastered all over Japan Louis Vuitton shops.

ckxsabke90xs1z8gv7ixThis takes photo shop editing to a whole new extreme.

Funnily enough, Japan doesn’t seem to be the only country using our Final Fantasy hero as there advertising tool. She has begun to appear in shops all around the world, and seems to be well received. I don’t know about you guys, but this is something that’s blown me away. It also has me wondering what’s next? Nathan Drake selling guns in America?

dkvzd9e5cpt7jyhoptjxWill this madness never stop?

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