Adventure Time: Sugary Shorts Vol. 2 TP


AT_SugaryShorts_v2_TP_coverAdventure Time: Sugary Shorts Vol. 2 TP

Imprint: KaBOOM!

Writers: Roger Langridge, Derek Fridolfs, Noelle Stevenson, Jai Nitz, and more
Artist: Frazer Irving, Roger Langridge, Dustin Nguyen, Noelle Stevenson, and more

Collecting stories by amazing creators from around the world, Sugary Shorts Volume Two stars all your favorite characters from Marceline the Vampire Queen to Cinnamon Bun. This collection contains so much sugary goodness it’s almost too sweet to handle. Featuring the work of Dustin Nguyen, Noelle Stevenson, Roger Langridge, Frazer Irving, and more!


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