Current Comic Book Publishers from Z-A – entry #13


Lucky 13!! We’re heading towards the middle of the month. I don’t know about you but I find the days whizzing by. This is really reflective of a literal countdown in that time is a precious commodity! Make that literary countdown since I’m listing all current comic book publishers in the monthly PREVIEWS catalog. Please provide feedback, exchange info, expand my knowledge!!


Established: 2005

Official Name: Olympian Publishing

Place of Origin: Chicago, IL

Distinction: The books released from Olympian Publishing have been noteworthy for high production quality, specifically re-creating the feel of vintage or antique books. In 2006, Olympian secured the rights in early 2006 to publish Dan Brereton’s Nocturnals.[1]

Operations: Peter Weglarz

Output: Chamber of Mystery: Witchcraft; Cursed Pirate Girl; A Nocturnal Alphabet; Nocturnals vol. 1: Black Planet and Other Stories; Word Balloon

Branches: N/A

Social Media: Facebook

Multi-Media: N/A

One Peace Books logo

Established: 2006

Official Name: One Peace Books

Place of Origin: Long Island City, NY

Distinction: We are a publisher that specializes in visually compelling literature. Our publishing model is to provide contemporary and unseen Japanese literature to the western world. We possess a commitment to strong design and create highly visual work that we hope will help impact our world[2].

We are backed by two successful Japanese publishers with a combined total of over 20 years in Japanese publishing. These companies makeup two percent of the entire Japanese market, and are ranked at number eleven in the industry. We believe that quality literature should reach people all over the world, regardless of borders or race. Therefore we also provide management for international publication, not only of our own books, but for other progressive publishers from Japan as well[3].

Operations: Ayumu Takahashi (President)

Output: Aquarian Evol; Cosplay Basics; I Want to Kick You in the Back; Raqiya; The Rising of the Shield Hero; Thieves & Kings and much much more!!

Branches: N/A

Social Media: Facebook ; Bebo ; FriendFeed ; MySpace ; Technorati

Multi-Media: N/A

Oni Press logo

Established: 1997

Official Name: Oni Press

Place of Origin: Portland, OR

Distinction: It was founded in 1997 by Bob Schreck and Joe Nozemack with the goal of publishing comics and graphic novels they would want to read. Unsatisfied with the material that was dominating the industry, they believed firmly that sequential art could be used to tell virtually any story[4].

The company name derives from oni, the Japanese word for the devils or demons popular in Japanese folklore[5].

Operations: Bob Schreck & Joe Nozemack (Founders); Joe Nozemack (Owner)

Output: Blood Feud; Exodus: the Life After; Hellbreak; Letter 44; Invader Zim; Rick & Morty; Stringers


Social Media: @OniPress ; Facebook ; Tumblr

Multi-Media: Oni Entertainment (film production unit); Closed on Mondays (former TV & film production unit)

Orion Publishing Group logo - alternate

Established: 1991 (Orion Publishing Group); 1992 (Orion Books)

Official Name: Orion Publishing Group

Place of Origin: London, England, UK

Distinction: The Orion Publishing Group was founded in 1991.  Soon after, Orion began negotiations with Lord Weidenfeld, and acquired Weidenfeld & Nicolson as the nucleus of the new publishing group; Lord Weidenfeld remained as chairman of W&N, a post he still occupies.

Weidenfeld & Nicolson, founded in 1949, was an established name with a history of quality publishing.  Its imprints include Everyman Paperbacks. Orion Books was launched in 1992, and in 1993 Orion bought the assets of Chapman Publishers, a small general publishing house.  That year it also acquired a warehousing and distribution centre, Littlehampton Book Services (LBS) based in Sussex[6].

Operations: Lord Weidenfeld (Chairman)


Current Titles: Asterix and the Missing Scroll; Asterix on the Warpath Pop-Up Book


  • Orion (general fiction, non-fiction and children’s books in both hardcover and paperback)
    •   Weidenfeld & Nicolson (general fiction and non-fiction, plus a specialist bridge list in association with Peter Crawley)
    •   Gollancz (science fiction and fantasy)
    •   Cassell Military (paperback fiction and non-fiction of military interest)
    •   Everyman (paperback classics)

Social Media: @orionbooks; Facebook

Multi-Media: N/A

OSSM Comics logo

Established: 2012

Official Name: OSSM Comics

Place of Origin: Santa Monica, CA

Distinction: OSSM Comics may be a small publisher, but their goal to change the face of comics is certainly grand in scale[7].

Operations: Omar Spahi (Founder)

Output: Foster; Monomyth; Separators; Solestar; Sons of the Devil; Thaniel; Xenoglyphs

Branches: N/A

Social Media: @OSSMCOMICS ; Facebook

Multi-Media: N/A

Overground Comics logo

Established: 2013

Official Name: Overground Comics

Place of Origin: Houston, TX

Distinction: Overground Comics is a publishing imprint with a mission.  Founded officially in January of 2013, the company’s framework has actually been in development for over a decade.  Overground Comics was founded to be the first existing comic book multi-title universe to exist in a real time continuity (currently a one of a kind entity in the comic book publishing imprint).[8]

Operations: Jon Hughes (Founder)

Output: Absent Captain; The Graduate; Herocorp Knights; Plus Ultra

Branches: N/A

Social Media: @OvergroundComic ; Facebook ; DeviantArt ; YouTube

Multi-Media: N/A

Overlook Press logo

Established: 1971

Official Name: Overlook Press

Place of Origin: New York, NY

Distinction: The Overlook Press is an independent general-interest publisher, founded in 1971. The publishing program consists of approximately 100 new books per year, roughly divided between hardcovers and trade paperbacks. The list is eclectic, with areas of strength in fiction, history, biography, drama, design, and other visual media. The house was launched by Peter Mayer as a home for distinguished books new and older often “overlooked” by larger houses.

Operations: Peter Mayer (Founder)


Branches: Ardis, Duckworth, Freddy the Pig, Portis, Wodehouse

Social Media: @overlookpress ; Facebook ; Tumblr

Multi-Media: N/A





[5] Ibid




Swing by this local establishment to buy several titles!!

Gotham Central logoGotham Central ad 2015 feat. Deadpool


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