Forza Motorsport 6 Review


Forza Motorsport 6
Platform: Xbox One
Developer: Turn 10 Studios
Publisher: Microsoft Studios
Author: S.A.

        Here comes Forza with its 6th instalment in the series with Forza Motorspot 6, and it’s looking prettier than ever with its important onto the impressive Xbox one system. The story like always is to dominate the track, so it won’t be confusing to those of us who can’t wrap their heads around games like Metal Gear with their never ending twist and turns.

4e07888f-574a-45b6-9c90-3b2fdf3ea117._V317850759_Drive faster than the guy ahead of you. Yeah, I get it.
         The game’s single player campaign, which is called the “Stories of Motorsport”, has up to 70 hours of racing joy to behold. It includes ongoing commentary from a range of recognizable Motor sport personalities to liven up in game events. The most notable of which includes ‘showcase events’ which has players racing in earlier eras of the race world. We also have the ability to choose how our opponents might react during the race, to an extent. Returning from Forza 5 is the ‘Drivatars’ ability. Wherein which players may choose how the A.I. responds to their advances on the track. We can switch them from unpredictable behaviour, or more consistent ones. Though personally, not knowing how a driver might react is far more amusing to me. That said, watch out guys, we can have up to 24 drivers on the track bearing down at us at any given time, so mistakes are costly.

Forza-Motorsport-6-Mazda-787B-jpgThat car wants first just as bad as you.
A cool new edition to the game is the wet weather driving. The rain doesn’t merely fall from the sky and leave the roads and our cars unaffected by its presence. Instead it causes hydroplaning, which essentially means for all of us non gear heads, you will be skidding all over if you’re careless.

The game features about 450 cars, which is nearly double the number from Forza 5 during its launch. While its true that many cars are carry overs from the earlier versions of Forza, they’ve gotten a serious facelift. Their sleek new look includes a working cockpit, and a beautiful insider interior that will have you wanting to drive from a first person perspective. If that’s not enough to entice the inner racer in you, let it be said that all cars will be availbe at launch. No pesky token system to purchase new additions, and no DLC’s hiding the better cars right at the beginning.

All in all, its a sleek new racing game folks so let’s hit the road and see what these engines can do. Be forewarned though, don’t get mad at seeing nothing but my tail lights.

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