Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Catching Hate For Its Upgrade Tree


Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Catching Some Hate For Its Upgrade Tree
Author: S.A.

Mirrors Edge was a very odd game that never caught a huge fan following, but still was well received by many gamers amongst the community. A game that focused on the free running phenomenon known as parkour and had gamers throwing themselves from death defying heights.

It was also a game that never looked like it was going to receive a sequel, and yet here we are a month away from Mirror’s Edges second released game. That said, the game is catching some flak for its upgrade tree. A tree that wasn’t present in the previous version of the game.Mirror's Edge Catalyst Beta (1)

Whereas the previous Mirror’s Edge game allowed us access to all of our free running capabilities from the jump, it seems that not all of our abilities will be available without a little upgrading to our more basic skills.

In honest truth, this doesn’t seem like such a hard thing. After all, a game through which you must train to gain other abilities that make the progression of your gameplay that much easier is not unheard of at all.

In fact it’s kind of what makes us gamers, the grind.

However not all gamers see it that way, and the company is catching some back lash for making gamers have to work for abilities that they see as basic and should be available from the beginning. Many comparing the game to its previous title, citing how this is a poor choice.

In truth, I don’t understand the problem. It likely won’t take you long to unlock these other tiers of moves, as Mirror’s Edge was never a very difficult game to begin with. However this is the gaming world, and the fans make the wheels turn.

So whether or not this will affect sales negatively for the game remains to be seen.

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