Unspoken: A New VR Game Turning Us Into Wizards


Unspoken – A New VR Game Turning Us Into Wizards
Author: S.A.

Video games are making leaps and bounds in terms of not only technology, but also interactivity. We as gamers are living in an age where VR technology is making head way in immersing us in the gaming experience in a way our child hood minds could only dream of. That said, Insomniac is coming out with what looks to be a fun new addition to the VR world. It’s upcoming release title The Unspoken, wherein which gamers get to have magical battles.

The_Unspoken_1_teleportThat’s right guys, you get to be wizards.

Using the Oculus Touch controller will allow you a variety of amazing abilities, the first of which is conjuring a fire ball in your right hand upon closing your right fist. That’s right, you get to throw fire in your friend’s faces. However, you’re not the only one throwing around flames of death, so keep on your toes. In terms of defense, you can close your left hand to make a blue shield materialize. These abilities are just the tip of your magical combat skills in The Unspoken and I suggest you check out the trailer below for some clue as to what other abilities await you in the upcoming VR title.

This game was Insomniacs way to incorporate the Oculus Rifts nifty, and unreleased as of yet, Touch controllers. These controllers are meant to mimic a gamers hands in virtual reality, and make us feel more immersed in our game play. They work in conjunction with cameras that track hand and head movement in 3D space, and thus allow us to have the flashy fights of our child hood imagination within the video game world.

Yes you’ll probably look silly.

Yes I’ll still play the game.

The game apparently plays as an arena shooter, shooting spells from a standing point while using the Touch controllers. The fireball and shield are your base moves, free to use at any time, while the bigger spells require power ups called “spell shards” found scattered through the arena. These bigger spell moves can be accessed by holding up your palm, which allows you to see an interface of potential spells. Players reach out and grab the spell they want, and start casting it as they will. Some of these spells truly make you feel as if you’re living out a childhood fantasy. One such move is the mystical hammer, wherein which you bang to create a spear that you hurl like a lightning bolt.

Yes, you are Zeus.

The_Unspoken_2_golemMovement throughout the arena is done through instant teleportation to preset locations, which in turn allows them to find better vantage points and cover in battle.

All in all, the game sounds like it has the potential to be a really fun experience. I’m holding out hope that it will be a huge success, and that I will be able to live my Hogwarts experience without having to face down any three headed dogs or evil dark lords.

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