Street Fighter Limited Edition PS4


Street Fighter Limited Edition PS4’s
Author: S.A.

With the release of an old fan favorite, gamers over in Japan have received a gift from Sony. The arrival of Street Fighter V has caused Sony to announce a few limited edition consoles in its honor.

The engraved HDD bay covered products are priced at 37,480 yen($320) plus tax. There are four limited edition consoles up for grabs, two of which are featured only on the white PS4 consoles. The first of which is the PS4 Street Fighter V Edition:itsodoewu96v5cbf1m7r

Than we have the Street Fighter V Chun –Li Laura Edition:uvw7ieznyxp55xrbqody

Than we finish up with the two editions on the black PS4 consoles. One of these happens to be the PS4 Street Fighter V Ryu Edition:ysrbcumhdfbgifteayqw

Finishing with the Street Fighter V Ryu Necalli Edition: Street-Fighter-V-limited-edition-PS4-Ryu-and-Necalli

As if the personalized bay covers weren’t enough for nerds everywhere, Sony is also offering a custom theme and sleeve designed by One Punch Man illustrator Yusuke Murata with all of the four consoles. However before you start pulling out your wallets, I would like to point out that while you do get a beautifully rendered PS4 Console, the Street Fighter Game itself is not included in this expensive package. So be prepared to be spending more money for the given title if you feel the need to ‘hadoken’ your foes into submission.

The consoles will be avalible in Japan February 18, and are already available for pre order. That said, I wouldn’t hold my breath on a Western release for these beauties anytime soon.

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